Yes I can

Hi Sis,

Throughout the course of life, there are many voices that may have simply stated that “You can’t…”. Sometimes this will come from individuals that you least expect – your parents, siblings, coach, teachers, leaders etc. It could be simply that these people do not understand or realise the power of words over young lives and even in adulthood (Proverbs 18:20-21).

Many of us may have grown up thinking “I can’t” when that wasn’t true at all. This may have negatively influenced some of the choices you made. The word of God tells us that we can do all things through Christ who is our strength (Philippians 4:3). This shows that God believes in you and if He believes in you, that gives you the permission to believe in yourself. Afterall, He was the one who created you and is the one who knows your inner thoughts and capabilities. He created you and called you good. In God’s eyes, you can soar and achieve in excellence the things He has placed in your hands to do.

It is possible that you may feel fear, doubt, or hesitation because you may have spent a substantial amount of your life believing “I can’t”. But in Joshua 1:9; God encourages Joshua to be of good courage as He will be with him wherever he goes and in whatever he does. God is in the business of encouraging us and forging us toward success in all areas of our lives.

So, whenever you are forced into the “I can’t” narrative, know that this is from the enemy/devil. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and so, in this moment be of good courage and determine in your heart not to feed the lies of the enemy which are filled with words of failure. Instead, choose to lean into the word of God, that speaks life, encouragement and success into your life. No matter how much you have heard someone say, “I can’t” to you, decide to agree with God today and say to yourself “I CAN”. Today let the power of God’s word dominate the power of every lie, negative word, “I can’t” that has ever been spoken to you or about you.


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